Cheat Kendaraan dan Pejalan Kaki
Gunakan cheat ini dengan bijak, karena mengaktifkan beberapa cheat dapat mengganggu jalannya misi dan tidak bisa dinonaktifkan tanpa memulai ulang permainan. Beberapa cheat juga akan menonaktifkan penghargaan (achievements) di game. (Z-12)
JAKARTA – Cheat GTA bintang 6 ini dapat langsung digunakan untuk menambah jumlah level wanted dalam game. Tanpa menggunakan cheat, level bintang 6 ini sulit untuk dicapai dan membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama. Untuk bisa mencapai level bintang wanted ini mengharuskan karakter game melakukan banyak kejahatan dan kekacauan.
Level ini sangat sulit dilalui untuk bisa mendapatkan bintang 6 yang diinginkan. Untuk mendapatkan bintang 6, karakter akan dikejar oleh para polisi, FBI atau bahkan SWAT.
Mereka akan mengejar karakter GTA pemain dengan Tank serta kendaraan berat lainnya yang dipakai untuk mengejar penjahat handal. NPC pejalan kaki di level 6 ini juga akan tergantikan sebagai personel polisi. Selain itu karakter akan dihalangi oleh para aparat melalui laut, darat, atau udara agar tidak bisa kabur.
Maka dari itu, untuk mengaktifkan level ini dan mendapatkan bintang 6 bisa dibantu dengan menggunakan cheat sebagai berikut.
Cheat GTA bintang 6 PS2 dan PS3
Bintang 6: Lingkaran, Kanan, Lingkaran, Kanan, Kiri, Kotak, X Bawah
Menambah bintang: R1, R1, Lingkaran, R2, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, Kiri
Mengurangi bintang: R1, R1, Lingkaran, R2, Atas, Bawah, Atas, Bawah, Atas, Bawah
Mengunci bintang: Lingkaran, Kanan, Lingkaran, Kanan, Kiri, Kotak, Segitiga, Atas
Cheat GTA bintang 6 PC dan Laptop
Wanted Level Bertambah 2 Bintang: OSRBLHH
Wanted Level Berkurang: ASNAEB
Menambah bintang polisi = NCBXXDX
Polisi bintang 6 = GWJZWC
Mengurangi bintang polisi = KDTZNHO
Ada pun cheat GTA untuk PS lainnya yang bisa digunakan sebagai berikut.
No Wanted: Lingkaran, Kanan, Lingkaran, Kanan, Kiri, Kotak, Segitiga, Atas
Rekrut Pejalan Kaki (Pistol 9mm): Bawah, Kotak, Atas, R2, R2, Atas, Kanan, Kanan, Atas
Rekrut Pejalan Kaki (Peluncur roket/bazooka): R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, Bawah, X
Pengemudi agresif: kanan, R2, atas, atas, R2, lingkaran, kotak, R2, L1, kanan, bawah, L1
Penduduk bersenjata: R2, R1, X, segitiga, X, segitiga, atas, bawah
Badai pasir: atas, bawah, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2
Kabut: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
Cuaca cerah: R2, x, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, kotak
Hujan badai: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, lingkaran
Nyepi: X, bawah, atas, R2, bawah, segitiga, L1, segitiga, kiri
Kerusuhan: bawah, atas, atas, atas, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
Itu dia cheat GTA bintang 6 yang bisa digunakan di PS atau pun PC dan Laptop. Perlu diketahui, jika sebelumnya memakai cheat GTA anti polisi, Anda tidak akan bisa mendapatkan level bintang sama sekali. Karena, cheat ini membuat para polisi takut dengan karakter yang Anda mainkan. (Taja Aurora Bianca)
Weapons in GTA San Andreas.
Weapon Wheel in GTA San Andreas - The Definitive Edition.
The following is a list of weapons that can be used in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas features 38 different weapons and three special items, where they follow the same mechanics as in previous titles, however, the arsenal has been expanded with the introduction of "consumable items", as well as "gifts", which are primarily used for girlfriends and optionally used as melee weapons.
A notable improvement over previous games is the auto-aiming system on every weapon (except the Rifle, the Sniper Rifle, projectiles, or any of the heavy weapons), which occurs when the target is within the weapon's range (determined by the type of weapon and the player's proficiency with that weapon based on the skill) and takes the priority on the closest target when facing multiple NPCs. Another feature of this improvement is the targeting lock that changes color as the target's health decreases. Green progresses to orange, which progresses to red, and finally black upon the target's death.
The Auto-aim also seems to bear a strong resemblance to the execution system in Rockstar North's Manhunt, where the darker the color or the target, the more gruesome the execution; in GTA San Andreas, the darker the color of the target, the less health of the target.
Another notable feature is a weapon skill system; where it determines the general proficiency of the player with the weapons. This increases when the player shoots accurately. Getting a high Weapon Skill increases the ability with weapons and grants more versatility when used. There are three levels of skill: "Poor", "Gangster", and "Hitman".
One can view the weapon skills two ways:
Gangster level is reached when the meter is 20% to 50% filled.
When Gangster is reached with certain weapons, you're able to move while aiming, and your lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and strafe speed increase:
Hitman level is reached when the meter is 100% filled.
When Hitman is reached with certain weapons, your lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and strafe speed increase further, and you're able to fire these weapons while moving:
One new feature is the ability to duel-wield certain weapons after reaching Hitman weapon skill level. These weapons are light enough and feature reloading that is compatible with holding one in each hand. This allows the player to inflict twice the amount of damage per reload cycle. For weapons that have Double Weapon Hitman, it takes longer to reach 100% weapon skill opposed to other weapons that can only be wielded with both hands.
When you reach Double Weapon Hitman, you can wield two of the below weapons simultaneously, and your lock-on range increases:
Here is a list of the available weapon slots, and the weapons that can be used in those slots. Weapons in italics can be dual-wielded.
The following table lists weapons based on their types and categories assigned to them in the files.
NOTE: Click on the images to go to their articles, or hover over the image to reveal the weapon's name.
The following interactive map includes the locations of all weapon pickups (in addition to other items) available in the State of San Andreas in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Cheat Cuaca dan Waktu
Standard Issue Weaponry[]
Weapons mandatorily added to Carl's inventory in accordance with storyline scripts.
- Fire Extinguisher (unlimited CO2, later removed)
- AK-47 (unlimited ammo, later removed)
- Rocket Launcher (10 rockets)
- Knife (added to inventory after being shot down, later replaced by:)
- Silenced 9mm (+70 rounds)
- Sniper Rifle (+35 rounds)
- Micro SMG (+200 rounds)
- Silenced 9mm (+30 rounds)
- Fire Extinguisher (unlimited CO2)
- Micro SMG (set to 120 rounds)
- Silenced 9mm (+300 rounds)
- Tear Gas (+10 canisters, later replaced by:)
- Satchel Charges (+10)
- Night Vision Goggles
Weapons explicitly made available during certain missions, missable if not collected.
- Rocket Launcher (up to 20 rockets)
At least six missions in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas feature differing weapons for their respective cutscenes and gameplay. They are:
Cheat Polisi dan Level Kejahatan
Cheat Kelebihan Karakter
Cheat Geng dan Karakter
Cheat Senjata dan Kesehatan
Additional Information[]
BERMAIN game di PC atau komputer saat ini sudah menjadi trend, bahkan jenis permainannya pun banyak yang diadaptasi dari Playstations (PS).
Salah satunya adalah GTA San Andreas. Tentu saja game ini sudah tidak asing lagi didengar dan dimainkan. Selain untuk game ini terdapat banyak cheatnya.
Berikut adalah beberapa cheat populer untuk game GTA San Andreas di platform PC. Untuk mengaktifkan cheat, kamu hanya perlu mengetikkan kode cheat secara langsung selama permainan tanpa perlu membuka menu khusus.